Darkover Wiki

He was a trusted man of Kermiac Aldaran when the Terrans rediscovered Darkover. A half Chieri who came to live with the Chieri's, but was spurious for being 'excessively man', a likely reference to his tendency to ambition and violence. It had the characteristic 6 fingers and was barren by its Chieri offspring. He was the instigator of the Sharra rebellion. He was friends with Elizabeth Mackintosh and David Lorne. He tortured Lew by touching his womb to force him to use his laran as he wanted Lew to lie down with Thyra begetting a daughter, killed Lew's brother Marius, among other things.

He had a very powerful laran. He got Dyan's help to confront Lew, Regis and Aldones' sword and ended up dying in this conflict, along with Thyra and Dyan.
